Our Okanagan winter might be mild — or harsh. The only thing certain is there’s going to be snow and it’s time to start thinking about buying new ski equipment for Big White!
What about your home? Is it ready for what winter’s going to bring? We checked in with our team of home maintenance experts and they provided these helpful tips to prepare prepare:
Insulation Helps Your Furnace Work Better
Attics and crawlspaces are key insulation areas that you might not think about. When our HVAC technician is in to prime your furnace ask about insulation trouble-spots, based on your home’s structure and layout. With this information, you can plan how to promote furnace energy efficiency through better protection.
Remember the other small places that leak heat — spots like wall sockets, window frames, and entry doors. With insulation optimized and drafty spots taken care of, your furnace will work more efficiently and last longer. And you’ll save on your energy bills too.
Time to Change your Furnace Filter
The simplest way to get your home ready for winter is a fall furnace maintenance visit. Industry professionals recommend spring and autumn check-ups to avoid costly surprises.
Fall is a great time to also have your hot water tank and furnace air filter checked. We can also check your air conditioning equipment and have it closed down for the year. Any weak points in your critical equipment can be identified and repair or replacement recommendations can be considered before an emergency drives up your home’s maintenance expenses unnecessarily.
Fresh Air Keeps Your Family Healthy
With the windows closed in the winter, your home may suffer from stale air and a lack of sufficient circulation. Humidity is important to consider during our dry winter months. Your HVAC technician can advise regarding air humidifier solutions.
Winter is Coming!
Our friendly staff have all the answers you need. Call us today to book a fall check-up and enjoy a warm winter in your cozy home.